Our Environment & Learning

Our Environment & Learning

We provide an environment with neutral calming tones and cosy snug areas for children to relax. Our 'curiosity style' approach gives children opportunities to explore using open ended natural resources during play. We recycle materials for play and source items from local scraptores, teaching children the importance of sustainability.


Our outside environment has lots to offer, as well as the beautiful farm land that we take walks on, we also have a wonderful garden space. Children have daily opportunities to explore , discover and appreciate the natural world using a variety of resources.


We know that children learn through play and we follow the 'Early Years Foundation Stage' guidance set out by the government to ensure we cover all 7 areas of learning. We encourage children to be curious learners, experiment and to eventually become critical thinkers.
Child-led play is our focus and each key person will learn about their key child's interests through observations and will assess and support them where needed.

Parents will be given daily feedback using our management system and will also have plenty of opportunities to see how their child is developing through the use of photos, observations and parent consultations.